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Halifax Community Resources


Sexual Health Resources in Halifax

ROSE Clinic (Reproductive Options and Services) is a procedural and medical abortion clinic based at the Victoria General site of the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax. Provincial self referral line 1-833-352-0719, M-F 8am-3pm

Abortion Support Services Atlantic ASSA provides non-medical support to anyone seeking abortion care in the Atlantic provinces, including emotional and peer support, offering rides, gas cards, arranging for a place to stay.

Halifax Sexual Health Centre HSHC provides a wide-range of sexual health services and gender affirming care. 

Avalon Sexual Assault Centre

The Pelvic Health Clinic

AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia provides support and education for HIV, Hepatitis and STIs. Free HIV self-test kits available.

Wije’winen Health Centre is a program of the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Society, with a mandate to provide culturally relevant care to members of the Urban Indigenous community in Halifax Regional Municipality. The Wije’winen Health Centre provides primary care for families.

Stepping Stone - services and support for current/former sex workers

Health Association of African Nova Scotians

Dal Health:

Dal Peer Health:

Mount Saint Vincent University Health Services:

Saint Mary's University Student Health Services:


Gender & Sexuality Resources

Sugar Health registry and warmline connects community to essential SGRH (sexual, gender, and reproductive health) care.

Transformation Closet - free gender affirming products

Gender Journeys - free peer-led 8 week support group

The Youth Project supports 2SLGBTQIA+ youth 25 and under.

Queer & Trans Therapists Directory

TransCare+ is a national non-profit organization that focuses on 2SLGBTQIA+ health care and wellness. They offer community support programs and mutual aid support through their community care fund and gender-affirming gear program.  


Housing, Food, and Addictions Resources

HRM Resource Map from Dal Mutual Aid is an ever-growing list of resources pertaining to food and housing insecurity in the Halifax Regional Municipality, including food banks and shelters.

The Youth Project Housing Support connects unhoused and precariously housed queer, trans and 2-Spirit youth 16-30 to a YP housing support worker. Self referral is encouraged.

Adsum for Women & Children has emergency shelter, short and long term housing, programs and services for women, families, youth and gender-diverse persons.

Community Garden K'jipuktuk 

The Loaded Ladle provides accessible, sustainable, locally-sourced free food on the Dalhousie University campus.  They offer a free lunch program and community programs that critically examine barriers to food sovereignty, food security, and food justice.

Halifax Community Fridge is a mutual aid-based fridge and pantry outside Glitterbean cafe that is entirely volunteer-run.

Phoenix Youth provides health and housing support and referrals for youth 16-24.  

Mainline offerse support and education related to harm reduction, particularly safer injection and safer practices. Fentanyl and benzodiazepine test strips, Naloxone kits, clean needles other supplies.

Supportive Housing for Young Mothers SHYM provides supportive housing, parenting support, and life skills development for at risk young single mothers ages 16 to 24. 

Transition Houses of Nova Scotia THANS is an umbrella association of Violence-Against-Women organizations offering a range of services and supports to women and their families experiencing violence. 24/7 communal shelter and basic necessities, advocacy and court accompaniment, counseling and outreach services.

The Hub has a twice weekly drop-in providing shower and laundry access, food and clothing, housing support, and basic supplies.

Mobile Outreach Street Health MOSH provides accessible primary health care services to people who are experiencing homelessness, insecurely housed, street involved and underserved in our community. The MOSH team is a collaborative primary health care team of registered nurses, nurse practitioners, an occupational therapist, physicians and administrative support.


Prison Justice and Post Incarceration Resources

Wellness Within provides reproductive and childcare support to women, trans, and nonbinary people who have experienced criminalization. WW can provide support at the Nova Institution for Women Federal Prison, the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility Provincial Jail, and the Nova Scotia Youth Facility.

Books Beyond Bars is a books to prisoners program serving the women’s unit of the Burnside jail. Books requested from their library program can be dropped off at Alter Egos or Venus Envy.

Elizabeth Fry Society of Mainland Nova Scotia EFMNS is a non-profit, charitable organization devoted to improving the lives of marginalized groups of identified women, girls, non-binary, and gender diverse individuals who have been let down by a broken justice system that perpetuates inequality.

Where to Go For Help Doc

Coverdale offers support for women, youth, and gender-diverse people across facing life's challenging transitions, including reintegration post-incarceration and other critical moments of need. They offer comprehensive assistance ranging from court and bail support to anti-violence initiatives, ending homelessness, and crisis and outreach services.


Other Resources

South House:


SexLife Canada:
