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Ottawa Healthy Sexuality Resources

Venus Envy Resources

Anal Pleasure and Health pamphlet

BDSM 101 pamphlet

Cockrings pamphlet

G-Spot pamphlet

Gender 101 pamphlet *NEW!*

Kegels pamphlet

Knotty Fun pamphlet

Sex Toys and Disabilities pamphlet

Sex Toys 101 pamphlet

Speculum pamphlet


LGBTTQI+ Resources

Brazen pamphlet (CATIE)

Primed pamphlet (CATIE)

Families in TRANSition (Central Toronto Youth Services)

This Is a Prison: Glitter is Not Allowed by The Hearts on a Wire Collective

The Empire Strikes Back: Posttranssexual Manifesto by Sandy Stone

Fucking Trans Women zine by Mira Bellwether